DJMD So a 60v battery should charge fully up to 67.2V which is 100% and down to 48v which is 0% (though idealy you shouldnt run your battery down to 0% and also most batteries in many of these scooters the BMS wont allow you to, most BMS’s actually cut off/shut down for a 60v battery would be around/between 52-54V.)
So two things, yours isnt even charging up fully, meaning there is an issue with the battery, esp if the scooter is new. And secondly, that its cutting off/shutting down at 62-63V, where it should be able to run down to 52-54V…..
Soundling more and more likely a fualty battery, which should be a simple fix when the new one arrives, unplug old and plug in new and fingers crossed its fixed
P-settings wont change anything for the battery, its controls many other things on the scooter, again refer to this chart by Justin, a great overview of most P-setting controls and what they do and control/change
I wouldnt change anything at the moment if i was you, just see if this battery is the fix first…