DubS A $4000 100lb 45mph scooter is pointless. It’s not portable so the aspect of a scooter goes out the window as it requires parking and can’t be carried. It’s not street legal and most states require insurance over 750 watt anyways so there’s that added expense. You can go buy a brand new Honda Navi for $2000 that goes 55mph and 100 miles on 3 quarts of gas.
In terms of cost, that’s $2.50 per 100 miles for the Navi. A Nami Burn E2 costs about $0.50 cents per 100 miles. Let’s say you drive 500 miles a month. The Navi will cost $12.50, the Nami $2.50. That’s a savings of $10 a month, but since the Nami Burn costs twice as much, it will take 16 years of commuting to offset the cost of the Nami. The scooter has a lifespan of approx 3 to 5 years. Meaning a $4000 scooter will never be financially cost effective over a cheaper gas powered one but the scooter has the same drawbacks as the gas powered one (not portable, requires parking, insurance, etc).
Now let’s say a $1000 30mph scooter like my GT Sport? It’s portable and carryable on public transportation at 28lb. At 700w does not require insurance. Costs $0.30 cents per 100 miles. The portability and speed makes it a very valid mode of intercity transportation.
The only real reason to get a scooter at such power as a Nami would be if you do not or can not have a valid driver’s license to operate a moped/motorcycle. BUT…. a 35+mph scooter is also pointless because at least here in Texas, it’s illegal to drive a scooter on a road with a speed limit higher than 35mph.
The scooter world is weird. There’s this massive push for very expensive high powered machines that literally can not be used on public roads.