Have a rear wheel drive scooter of a known brand. Have changed the rear tube/tire several times. Doable, except the last part where a second person is useful to mount the wheel. Without a second person, it’s a pain!
I reached out to the manufacturer and all they could suggest is to send it back in! If scooters are going to go beyond early adopters, imo, it seems that these basic repairs have to be easier. Not all of us live near a big city. And even in the closest city near me, there is nobody that does any scooter service.
Like opinion/advice on one or both of the solutions…
A good work stand that supports the wheel detached (always afraid that wheel is going to fall off my work table and break the power cord). That way I can fix the tube and get it all setup so that when a friend/guest comes by, by already having the tube and wheel put back together, I will only inconvenience the friend/guest for a minute.
The second solution seems better, cut the power corder and splice connectors that are waterproof. Anybody done that? I’ve google it, but come up with nothing.
Thanks in advance!