Every year my family dresses up, makes popcorn and turns the lights down low for that big screen blockbuster awards show the annual “Scooties,” the pinnacle of scooter cinema. Only ESG has the authority, cognizance and reputation to pull it off, and may I recommend awards for YouTube videos along with scooters? Best cinematography - maybe Tim West. Most Entertaining - maybe Ben Fox. Best in Technical Achievement - maybe Ginger on Wheels. Best Reality Show - maybe Electric Scooter Academy. Coolest gear - maybe Alien Rides. Best review - maybe ESG, RK9, Jimmy Chang, Dan Oh Man, Tim, Ginger, Ben Fox etc.; lots to choose from.
Who’s with me?! If enough people bring it to their attention maybe they will see the Scooties as an excellent opportunity to flex their video muscles and take it to the next level! If you haven’t watched previous Scooties, watch them. Watch them now.