Hi all,
I live in the UK, and here.. well, we’re lagging behind pretty well everyone in terms of PLEV’s and micro-mobility. Laws are apparently being reviewed, but electric scooters are still classed as motor vehicles here, and so are illegal to ride anywhere except privately owned land, with the land owners permission. I’m currently having to rely on the rental electric scooters, but I’d love to be able to own and legally ride one of my own.
It’s hard to find much on the status of the review of these laws surrounding PLEV’s, let alone follow it, but I was wondering what the process was like in other parts of the world, and how long it took for these vehicles to become legalised, if they weren’t already?
I’m also curious on what the regulations are, are there speed or power limits for privately owned electric scooters in the rest of Europe? And how are they seen in America?
Thanks for any info and advice you can give. Looking forward to the ESG Liveshow!