I have a kaabo wolf king which comes with two charge ports where one of them stopped working a few days ago.
I plugged in the charger (fast) and after about 40 minutes the scooter stopped being charged. I switched to the other charge port and it started charging again with no issues. I also tried plugging in the original charger into the first port but it still wont charge.
I have noticed the ports arent spark proof and every time I plug in the charger I can hear a small spark and I think this could have something to do with it but I dont know - it did charge for 40 min before dying.
I’m almost 100% sure that the charge port is dead which really isnt a problem as there are two and I only have one fast charger but this shouldnt really be happening.
Has anyone else eperienced this ?
How do I make sure the second port doesnt die as well ?