A good list for sure.
My thoughts based on riding the Cruiser, Phantom, Vsett 10+, and the Varla Pegasus (we haven’t gotten the Eagle One).
I always like to start with data, so I threw the specs into our comparison chart and selected for ESG tested data:

- Cruiser: I would think this would be out, based on your 30 mph+ desire. It hits 30.5 mph, is quick, but is still just aa single motor commuter. A great scooter, but not necessarily speed-oriented.
- VSett 10+: Definitely the fastest option here. Similar top speed to the Phantom, but beats it out clearly under acceleration. A really nice package overall. Not a fan of the faux EY3 display (Phantom controls and display are definitely better).
- Phantom (52V): Has the speed you are looking for, but slower than the 10+. Great display and controls (thumb throttle has better ergo than the 10+). Well designed. V2 is on pre-order now and has some upgrades / addresses teething issues with first gen scooter.
- Pegasus / Eagle One: If the Eagle One is anything like the Pegasus then you’re going to get decent, some quality issues / corner-cutting that may affect longevity. The Eagle One looks like very much like a 10X which are getting phased out as newer scooters hit the market. You can see our take on the Pegasus which is a mixed bag, but you do get A LOT of scooter at that low price. A killer for me is the folding mechanism which has no grub screw and will fundamentally limit the service life. Varla told us they were upgrading this scooter, but not sure what they are addressing.