Common technical issues are listed below; for everything else please post in this thread!
Here are some peculiarities / known issues so far:
1. Issues with posting photos / uploading profile pics.
The forum currently limits file sizes to 2048kb (about 2 Mb). If you try to upload a file larger than that, it won’t let you. To fix, upload a lower resolution file. (In the future we’ll hopefully have an autoresize function working, but for now, this is the best way to overcome.
2. “You do not have permission to do that” error
Typically refreshing and retrying to do whatever you were doing will solve this problem. Often you’ll discover that you were logged out which is why it wouldn’t let you take that particular action. This error usually isn’t persistent and should only appear sporadically – I expect it will go away with the next update of the forum software. If it is persistent, please reach out to me.
3. Unable to post / “Tag count primary must be 1”
All posts need a title and tag. (see screenshot below)

If you just signed up for an account, you’ll have to make sure email address is verified before you will be allowed to post. If you didn’t get an email, you can have it resent (make sure to check your spam folder).