This advice is really meant for the manufacturers of helmets. Why not make a helmet for e-scootering? It should be nta-8776 certified, and traveling approx 25mph wind causes issues that are a concern where ¾ and full face visors are a real solution. Riding upright directs wind up the cheeks and under the smaller eye visors offered by bicycle helmets meant for tilting the head forward that’s already on the market. A retractable shield would be preferred. I respect esg reviewers using full faced MC helmets because they are testing scooters that travel considerably faster than simple commuting needs which is my urban goal of arriving, no parking, no traffic, and unsweated. Since there are full faced helmets with really good field of view offered for skydiving, longboard downhill racing, surf and sailing but none offer any real information on the protection levels provided, so while i would love to ride in one, it would be overly risky. When will bell, giro, specialized, tsg, gath, agv, apollo, etc offer solutions?