I recently bought the kaabo wolf king and took it out for a test run the other day to get a feel for the mileage. The battery was depletet after approximately 60km. During the ride the battery kept saying 100% the whole time. Only after the display started blinking it changed down to 97% and shortly after that it turned off.
I did some searching and found a reddit post of someone having the same issue and apparently the battery only shows the correct percentage if the voltage is set to 72. Kaabo however recommends keeping it at 60. Not sure what to make of that.
After the initial test run I charged the scooter to 100%, which again could only be seen correctly by having it at 72 volts. Shortly after it reached 100% I took it for a ride but this time I was stranded out in the middle of nowhere between to cities after less than 35km. The battery went from 100% to 99,98,97 etc within minutes of driving but I didn’t think much of it at the time as I had just tested it to about 60km while driving dual battery and pretty fast.
The scooter have been charging now for about 9 hours and the battery charger is showing red but the display says 100%.. a bt confused here. Anyone got some knowhow on whats going on?
Secondly I would appreciate some hep setting up the settings correctly if someone wouldn’t mind.
Thanks alot.