I have a m365 pro for 2 years now and I think it is time for an upgrade. I did a lot of research but I am still not sure what to get.
I live in Cyprus. Most of the year it is super hot, never really cold even in winter and very little rain. The streets are very very bad in general. I live on the first floor, so weight is not that big a deal.
In most cases, I won’t go over 30 kmh. Hard to drive faster here. Maybe sometimes when driving on a main road in traffic. I live on a hill though, going up on my 365 feels like walking sometimes. Also 90% of my drives are under 6km.
I am looking for good build quality, good climbing, decent brakes, easy to change tires (i have a lot of flats), and ok speed. Not sure if I need a dual-motor scooter. I would take the emove crusier even I don’t need the range but seeing how difficult it is to change the tires I am not so sure. The Kaboo Mantis pro see seems decent but maybe to much scooter for my use case.
Honestly, i am a bit lost. Any recommendation what I should look into?