Yesterday, a friend and I bought a WWB11+ electric scooter. Myself it’is my 4 fourth escooter in he past 20 months. First it was a Bird ES1 to a Mercane Wide Wheel Pro 2020 then a Zero 10X Lite and now a Kaabo Wolf Warrior 11 Base+. So far, after 15km everything is fine (thank god considering the price).
But as for my friend, it is another story. When he first tried to removed the 4 screws to put in place the handle bar, 2 of the screws were glued into the hole because of the paint. Went back to the shop, the owner of the shop tried to remove them by himself and couldn’t, so he ended up just giving a new one to my friend since the sale was only 45 minutes old.
Then came a second problem on the second KWW11B+. After enjoying the same 15km ride as me, a strange noise appeared from the front wheel of my friend’s escoot. After some troubleshooting, we came to the conclusion that the front wheel bearing was already broken.
Question is, it is frequent/known problem ?
Does anyone know the model/size/IBI number of the bearings for this scooter ?
We would enjoy some help, no one at ezwheel seemed to know what to do except I, a customer,…