I recently got a Wolf Warrior X Pro and love it. Two things did irritate me though - the uncomfortable throttle position relatve to the brake lever, and not being able to see whether Eco/Turbo or Single/Dual was selected on the switches.
However, I’ve fixed them to my satisfaction. I thought my fixes might help others, so I made a video showing how to do what I’ve done.
The comfort of the throttle position obviously depends on the shape of your hand, and it’s great the standard setup works for you. Many have reported it’s really uncomfortable including myself. I tried rotating the whole arrangement towards the ground and that helped a little. Making this mod changed how I felt about this scooter completely.
As for the switches, if you spend all your time off-road, you’ll always be in Turbo/Dual so no need. If you spend any time at all in policed pedestrian areas limited to 15 km/h you’ll appreciate the toggle switches!