I jumped straight in the deep end by going from never touching an electric scooter to buying a Wolf King. I’ve put over 300 miles on it in only 9 rides and have some questions/observations and would like to get other people’s feedback on eco vs turbo mode and dual motor vs single motor.
Fully equipped I’m probably 165lbs when riding the scooter. I’ve been doing all my riding (other than a couple expirements) in dual motor, eco mode, gear 2 for first 5 rides, then gear 3 for the last 4, with all power P settings maxed. Lowest regen braking, no cruise control.
The roads around town are; about 30% very rough/patched, about 50% ok riding with some slight bumps, dips, and about 20% nice and smooth.
Due to the variety of roads condition around town, my speeds can vary from 5mph while almost having a death grip on the handlebars, up to 30-35mph on smooth higher speed/traffic roads. Most of my riding averages around 20mph.
The town is in a valley so we have some big hills (up to 1,000 feet in elevation change) around the edge of town and the Wolf King just eats them up. This leads to my questions/discussion.
When first going out riding, I was getting 29-30mph in eco mode, gear 2, dual motor on flat ground, so I was amazed the scooter could go up the hills at 28mph with the same settings.
I tried going up these same hills in single motor and it was also able to sustain 28mph up them. I did notice my battery usage while moving dropped a lot more than dual motor mode. Which leads to my first question.
1. Is dual motor mode more efficient than single motor mode?
2. If it is, why would you want to use single motor?
I did notice if I put it in single motor mode on flat land, the initial take off from a dead-stop was smoother than dual motor, but I didn’t like the feel when the front wheel hit a bump and lifted off the ground for a split second. It just felt weird. I actually like the way the dual motor feels like it’s grabbing road if the front wheel hits a bump and clears the ground for an instant.
I used Turbo mode in gear 2 one time and hit 40 and even though the road was really smooth, it wasn’t really fun lol.
3. Does Turbo mode use more power or just raise the limit of what can be achieved by each gear? Ie; if you are in turbo mode in dual motor gear 3 going 20mph, does that use the same/less/more battery than dual motor eco mode in gear 3 going 20mph?
4. Does ability to climb hills directly relate to how fast a scooter can go? I ask this in terms of say a law gets implemented where a scooter speed is capped at 20mph and that’s implemented in the scooter firmware. So you have a scooter like the Wolf King with it’s powerful motors, if the top speed is capped at 20mph, would it still be able to go up a steep hill at 20mph?