This is my first post here so I hope I’m in the right place. Within the last few months, I’d noticed my Boosted Rev (purchased Oct-2019) would sometimes not start, even if the power indicator screen was on. A few reboots or rolling it around would usually fix this, so I never thought much of it. Then, I started to get this horrible grinding noise when the scooter is in motion. Similar to before, it usually resolve itself after a few minutes of use, so I figured there might have just been something stuck internally that was now freed. Today, however, it was almost impossible to use the scooter. The grinding was ceaseless, and it affected my speed as well as make a lot of noise. I was unable to go over 8mph during the 15-20 minute ride, and there was a persistent grinding noise and accompanying vibration feeling on the handlebars. I hoped that it would just stop like it usually does, but it never relented. Additionally, during the last few minutes of my ride, the scooter just stalled out, meaning the right-hand brake no longer functioned. I had to glide (still hearing the grinding noise, though slower as I slowed down) and use the left-hand brake to come to a stop. I thought that I would have to walk it the rest of the way home, as the interface wouldn’t even come on, despite the fact that it was still at about 75% charge. Finally, after a few minutes of fiddling with the ON button, it finally came back on and I was able to ride the rest of the way home, though the grinding was still ever-present and I was still unable to achieve a speed over 10mph. I’m an IT guy, so I get computers, but not mechanical components, and I really have no idea where to go/how to solve this problem. As offices are opening up in the next few weeks, I’ll need that scooter as it’s a vital part of my daily commute, and without it, I’d be in a really bad spot. Any ideas on if this is something I can fix myself, or if I need to get Boosted on it? If Boosted needs to get involved, does anyone know how repairs are handled? I’m probably out of warranty, but their website clearly states that their products are designed to last for years, so while I would pay for a replacement/repair, I really feel as though Boosted has some sort of responsibility for a <2 year old machine. Any help is GREATLY appreciated. Thank you!