So my kickstand got damaged on my Apollo Ghost. No big deal, order a $14 kickstand for $20 shipping and swap it out. Easy and quick, so I thought. I have to crack the whole deck apart to swap it! The screws do thru the deck and tighten into nuts INSIDE the deck that are NOT secured in place. Wow, great design flaw Apollo! So….
I kinda lost interest in the Ghost anyways. Was going to trade it for a old pedal start moped but I don’t really like old 2-strokes anymore. So now I have a Ghost with no kickstand. I’m thinking of just donating it to a thrift store at this point. Let someone else pull the whole deck apart to fix what is SUPPOSED to be a easily damaged and fixed item.
So if your’e considering a Apollo product DO NOT crash it on the kickstand side. I just know opening the deck is going to be a royal PITA to open.