Hi, i actually signed up to suggest the same until i saw this post. I purchased my Gotrax GXL V2 based on your review (thanks, seems to be the best website out there, actually) and GPS tracking and range guesstimation shows my real world performance was 11-12 km max until a dead battery and not 16 km, which makes sense based on weight difference (250W motor means i have to kick assist once in a while based on steep(er) incline, but your assessment holds true: minimum serious thing that actually gets you somewhere)..
So, Ramier would reflect actual range in this case much much more accurately for me and i appreciate adding the big dawg section
Soooo, long story short: Personally i would love a second data set (or switching to the heavier entirely with “lighter riders may have increased range” or some such).
Otherwise, i currently multiply the achieved ranges with 0.7 roughly, which gets less accurate with scooters with better motors than 250-350W, i presume, hence, for making scooters more appealing to everyone, maybe a range estimate geared towards heavier people may help.