if you hold the power button after you enter p settings. It lets you go backwards in numbers. Push and hole power again to go forward.
any things you can change that does not have 0 as an option. make sure to put it where you found it. anything dealing with power wont have 0 as an option.
Next if the number goes above 100. Thats the motor magnets. Also put back where you found it.
Anything with options 1 and 0 are: kick start, speedometer, cruise controll
Anything 1-3 is lcd brightness lol p1
Anything that has 0-60 every number is auto time off if left on and you walked away.
The one that is the same # as the diameter of your tires.. that p setting determines how the lcd calculates your speed and distance traveled.
The 1-100 (some scooters do not have this) is your power level. If its not 100 then you can go faster
Lastly the two with 1-5 are your regenerative breaks and your acceleration
the only ones that matter are the two that go 1-5 and the 1-100.