Brilliant info and opinions from both of you, Thank you - I’ll write the rest of my reply and read the article you’ve pinned Justin (great work and thanks in advanced)
I don’t ride my scooter daily, but I try and do about 50-70km a week (sometimes more, sometimes less)
I have a whopping 60Ah battery and have had this scooter for 1 month now and only needed to charge it twice - My first charge a got 140km out of it, riding it fairly hard, but also trying to see how fair it would go on 1 charge. Second charge was just as impressive, I rode its a lot harder and faster and still got 105km - I have found it does loose its ‘real performance’ at about 58V and even more performance drop around 54-55V - - - - This is what sparked my question about keeping it charged even though I’m doing short trips, but I figure I purchased it for the performance and what that most of the time
I know I can get about 70-90km of good hard riding before the performance drops off….
I Purchased a SK-11 REALMAX from Alibaba, its everything plus more they claim it to be - Its does 100km per hour, and reaches 60km in about 4-5 sec - Handles brilliantly and as said above, the battery so far is great, as I doesn’t give me any range anxiety
Thanks again for the reply and great info guys….